Below is a link to an interview I did with Bookreader Magazine.

Bookreader Magazine


About the Author: Gary Baysinger

Gary always loved a good story. He spent his formative years growing up on the site of a World War Two battlefield, where he shook hands with a King and a President. Inspired by comic books and classic Hollywood cinema, he married his interest in historical fiction with to re-imagine the family tree as an outline for a story. He is a direct descendant of Margaret Laemmer from his novel, “Margaret’s Last Prayer”. He is a graduate of the University of Baltimore and a veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard. Gary began writing in 2016, and lives in Milwaukie, Oregon with his wife, two children, and two dogs. If you like a little twang in your morning coffee, you can hear him spinning Johnny Cash and Patsy Cline records on Swing & Country program every 5th Saturday from 6:00 - 9:00 am PST.